What is Bojiwassis?
As an adult I was searching for a word that meant exactly what I was feeling as I left my job and decided to try new things as a full-time profession to find my new career. It wasn't fear, but there was fear. It wasn't excitement, though there was excitement. I started googling for untranslatable words, I thought maybe another language has a word for this feeling. Still, I found nothing. Then I had a brief recollection of a text I had read long ago about girls who had made up their own language to express untranslatable emotions. I researched to uncover what that book could have been. Then I found it, Thomas Wentworth Higginson and “Concerning All of Us”. There was the account of the two girls as I remembered, with their language of untranslatable emotions and there was the perfect word; bojiwassis.
Below I invite you into the rabbit hole to discover language, authors, books and untranslatable emotions, I hope you enjoy learning everything about this amazing word that has inspired so much for me.
~ D